[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] RunAs command line utility

Use RunAs utility to execute a program from command line using a different user account.

RunAs is command line utility that can be used to run a program under different user account.

RunAs is similar to the Windows 2000/XP native RunAs utility, but it has some distinct features making it more usable then the native version:

  1. It accepts password as a command line parameter so that it can be used in batch files.
  2. It can bind started process to the interactive user Desktop so it can be used to start interactive processes from various services such as 24x7 Scheduler, 24x7 Event Server and other.

Download RunAs.exe (16 KB).

Here is the help screen containing complete description and examples

Usage: RunOne <user> <password> [/V] <program name>[parameters]

Command line parameters:

User Username in form DOMAIN\USER (for local accounts use .\USER format)
Password Password for the user account
/V Optional parameter. If specified binds the process to the interactive user Desktop. (Use this parameter when starting interactive programs from services)
program name Name of the program file to launch. If the name includes spaces enclose the entire name in double quotes.
parameters Optional command line parameters that you want to pass to the program.

Run RunAs.exe without parameters from the DOS command prompt to see full description of the supported parameters.